
Kodai Shorinji Ryu Karate

Training on the beach with Ed Anderson #1Training on the beach with Ed Anderson #3


Traditional Karate training improves the health and vitality of body, mind, and spirit.

This is done while teaching self defense techniques in a safe and interesting way.IM000483

Kodai Shorinji Ryu is the main style of Karate taught at the Dojo. It includes Kata from the Shuri Te, Naha Te and Tomari Te lineages respectively.

Mill Bay Dojo #12 Along with training Traditional Karate the Dojo also teaches Aiki-JujutsuIM000488 and Kobudo (traditional weapons) like Bo, Jo, Sai, Tonfa and Tombo.

The practice of Karate improves core strength, balance, circulation and flexibility while calming the mind and deepening a sense of connection to life in general.

Classes are ongoing so beginners may start at any time.

Click here to try for FREE

For more information please call:

Duncan, Maple Bay, North Cowichan – 250-709-8886

South Cowichan, Mill Bay, Shawnigan Lk. – 250-889-2246

Vancouver British Columbia – 778-386-7003

Rockford Illinois USA – 1- 815-494-9483